Sunday, December 13, 2009

so, my new favorite thing to do upon leaving and coming home, is to fuck with my neighbor's cat. this cat is named grody cat. she's a real treat. complete asshole. our little game goes like this....

i see her in the window, trying to look cute, with a glare in her eye. i come real close to the window, and she hisses. i mean, she is in rabid, i'm going to claw your eyes out, don't come any closer to me mode. she hisses for as long as i stand there. my fear is that she'll get out one day, and attack me. until then, the game continues.

oh sweet photo booth, how you jinx me so. seems as though i have a photo booth hex and i'm not so sure how to remove it. for since i can recall, anytime i get in one of these unlucky little picture boxes, with a boyfriend, that relationship ends. boo. no fun. i've even been in this 'break up' routine with some girlfriends as well. i have a whole cigar box full with photo booth strips that i refer to as my box of missed connections. i don't know what it is, but i simply just refuse to get in there with lovers from here on out. if you don't believe me, come over sometime, and ask to take a look. betcha at least 80% of those pictures are of people i no longer know.

feelin' kinda fantastic these days.... snip snip went the hairs. and with it went all this negative energy. it was freeing, and beautiful. didn't know how bad i need to molt, but i did. light as a feather stiff as a board....

my eyes are filled with love. my heart is beating so loud, can you hear it?? i want to run to the top of a mountain, i want to swim across the sea. i want to stay in bed all day like a little family. i want to let you linger. i want to hear you whisper in my ear. sweet words, and gentle kisses....

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